Friday, July 27, 2007


We had a really "great" thunderstorm today!!! It was really exciting! I know I'm weird...however, those of you who know me best know how "obsessed" I am with the weather! We had wind gusts of 60 miles an hour right at my house, about 10 minutes of steady hail and I'm 99.9% sure that a funnel cloud passed right above my could just feel the pressure dropping, EVERYTHING outside was spinning and the wind was being "sucked" right out of the house, through closed was SO loud...needless to say, I was cowered in the central hallway of my house...but as the storm died down I took some videos and pictures of the aftermath. Sorry for the poor video quality...I had to use my phone because my camera battery was dead but you can hear the thunder and all the "bouncing" things you see are actually hail stones.

my front yard, as the rain was really dying down

Close-up of a hail stone

All the water collected in my driveway

Some of the hail stones in the grass in front of my house

my front door mat, which is about 5 feet in from the edge of the roof that covers the front of the can see, from this, how much the hail blew and bounced!

This USED TO be a really cute little humming bird feeder that was on my front "porch"

And here is the video that I took of the storm with my cell phone as the hail was still falling

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so crazy! LOVE The new header!!!! Sorry we missed you this weekend. A