Monday, May 21, 2007

I'M FREE...well kinda...

Today was the last day of the school year for my students!!!! YEA!!!
However, the last part of that line is the important part "for my students" I actually have to continue to work until mid-day on Thursday...(probably a good thing...since I'll still be getting paid)...still haven't found another job.

We had a "Graduation" (promotion ceremony) for our 5th graders today and I had one kid who moved on to middle school and won't be back next year. It was emotional...but I'm sure next year is going to be so much worse because by then I'll have had these kids for 2 years and I'll be losing about 7 of my class of 11!!!

So that's really all from here...not all that much going on. I just have lots of loose ends to wrap up at school and then I'm done...I really HAVE to find another job NOW!!!!!!!

1 comment:

jane said...

I'm envious. We are still having exams. My last day is next Tuesday. Since we are moving into our new building in August, we have to pack EVERYTHING before we leave. AND we have to come back in August to help move in. The good news is...I get a beautiful, huge, new chorus room. HAve a great summer!